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The post Integrated Payments: 5 Things Every Business Owner Should Know  appeared first on DaySmart Vet.


Integrated Payments: 5 Things Every Business Owner Should Know 

Owning and operating a business is more complex than ever. In addition to delivering the best for your customers and clients, competition gets fiercer all the time. You want to grow, but you also may not have all the resources, time, and team it takes to stay one step ahead.  

Incorporating integrated payments with your business is a way you can stand toe-to-toe with the biggest players in your market, and it’s simpler than many business owners expect.  

The fact of the matter is, if you aren’t incorporating a modern, seamless payment system in your business, you run the risk of falling behind.  

The good news? It’s not too late to get up to speed.  

The better news? Getting started right now can be simple, and the benefits of integrated payments can deliver exponential opportunities for growth, differentiation from competitors, and an exceptional experience for your clients and customers.  

Read on to understand why customers today expect—and deserve—the simplicity and seamless experience integrated payments deliver. You’ll understand not just why your business should utilize integrated payments—but also the dangers of not using it.  

Finally, you’ll learn practical steps to implement integrated payments, and hear from business owners who took the plunge—and reaped the benefits.  

Let’s dive in and explore everything you need to know about integrated payments and why they are fundamental to growing a successful business.  

Start by understanding what integrated payments are—and what they are not.

The easiest way to explain integrated payments is this: it’s a way to handle payment processing for small businesses. But beyond simple point of sale transactions, it’s a system that enables you to accept electronic and card payments, and works directly with your business management software.  

It’s not just about making checkout easier. It can help streamline many of your business operations and give you more opportunities for growth.  

  • Simple Payments: Clients can pay for services and products directly through your website, app, or in your store. That means a faster, easier customer experience that’s consistent online, offline, or on the go. 
  • Inventory Management: Every transaction can automatically update your business’s inventory. So keeping track of what you have in stock—and what you need to order—is simpler than ever. 
  • Data Insights: See what’s selling, and what’s not. Gain insights into what your customers and clients want more of—and make informed decisions that translate into growth. 

For fitness centers, this could mean managing membership payments, and seeing what classes your members want more of. For a vet, integrated payments can help you understand patient lifetime value—and clearly track revenue per visit. For a spa, it could result in streamlined bookings and staffing—and more satisfied clients..  

No matter what your business offers customers and clients, integrated payments can make your systems run more smoothly.  

And while some small businesses may want to avoid credit card processing fees, but it’s important to look at the big picture. When you look at all the benefits to your business and your customers, a small percentage of revenue going to card payment processing companies won’t seem like a roadblock.  

Beyond transactions, integrated payments help small businesses understand sales trends, provide better service, and put you on equal footing with the largest players in your market. Plus, by making your payment process more efficient, you can focus on what you do best: making customers and clients happy. 

Fact: Your customers will notice if payments aren’t seamless and simple 

Right now, your clients and customers expect the same convenience and efficiency from you that they experience from companies like Amazon, Spotify, Venmo and their bank. If you don’t believe you are competing with the Amazons of the world, let’s stop for a moment. Imagine a new bank was launching. How well would this bank do if they didn’t offer online payments, EFTs and full service in their app. What if they didn’t offer customers a debit card? Imagine if deposits and withdrawals meant having to go to their branch, stand in line, and wait for a person behind a glass to help you.  

Obviously, this bank wouldn’t attract much business.  

Customer expectations of seamless efficiency across all kinds of businesses is often referred to as “Amazonification”. It means that service, speed, convenience, and attentiveness have become the norm across many industries. It also means small businesses must adapt by implementing integrated payments to meet these expectations—and not fall behind. 

And if you think it’s just about credit cards, think again. Online payments and mobile payments make up a huge percentage of transactions. In fact, a recent study stated how forecasts show the total transaction value by the end of the year will be $6.68 trillion. $4.195 trillion will come from Digital Commerce and $2.489 trillion will come from Mobile POS Payments. 

If this all sounds intimidating, take a second and relax. It doesn’t mean you have to be as big or complex as Amazon. Far from it. By adopting integrated payment solutions, your business can offer the same level of seamless service as the best businesses on earth. It’s what your clients expect. It’s what they deserve. And it’s what you can offer thanks to integrated payments.  

Reduce errors, save time and increase growth with payment processing for small businesses 

Any and every business can benefit from simplified transactions, efficient scheduling, and more accurate financial tracking.  

The right system will do all the hard work for you and your team—and make running your business easier. 

  • Save Time: Automated processes reduce hours wasted on manual data entries, allowing you to focus more on service, quality, and growth. 
  • Increase Accuracy: With integrated payments, the risk of errors goes down significantly, ensuring accurate bookkeeping and records. 
  • Deepen Security: Enhanced security features protect both you and your clients from fraud—providing more peace of mind. 
  • Avoid Costly Chargebacks: Reduce your risk of financial repercussions from chargebacks to your business. 

Whether you need to automate recurring payments, make POS transactions easier, increase customer trust or just have fewer administrative headaches, integrated payments can deliver the solutions you’re looking for. 

With integrated payments, the efficiency, security, and convenience create a win-win-win scenario for you, your employees, and your clients. 

A hard truth: Without integrated payments, your business will fall behind 

We’ve talked about how integrated payments can be a game-changer for small business owners—significantly saving time and money while delivering a better customer experience. Now let’s discuss the hidden costs of NOT using integrated payments. The price can be steep—and really hurt your business. 

Not incorporating integrated payments means wasted time, lost opportunities and a higher cost of doing business. Manual transactions, ordering, and scheduling will all be more inefficient and time-consuming.[Text Wrapping Break][Text Wrapping Break]Without integrated payments, transactions will always be slower and inventory management will be harder. The risk of error increases—so staff satisfaction and performance can suffer. That means worse service, increased hassles, and unhappy customers.  

Remember the bank we talked about earlier? It wouldn’t stay in business very long.  

Increased competition. Steeper customer expectations. Supply chain issues. Whether it’s missed salon appointments, lapsed gym memberships—or just not offering the treatment a client is looking for in your spa—things are hard enough today for small businesses to survive and thrive.  

And the sad truth is that many don’t. Not incorporating integrated payments with your systems could be the difference between growing your business—or closing up shop.  

But take a breath. If you’re a small business owner who understands the value of integrated payments to you and your customers—but doesn’t know where to begin or what to choose—getting started is not as difficult as you may think.  

The best small business payment processing choice for you: A practical guide to getting started 

It’s no question that integrated payments are a smart move for small business owners, The next question is this: which solution should you choose?  

Every business is unique—with its own challenges, expectations, and goals. So choosing the right integrated payment system is as important as the decision to use them in the first place.  

To start, ask yourself what kind of transactions you need to process. Do you need to manage recurring payments like gym memberships? Are retail products integral to your bottom line—like a salon’s hair products? Do you need transactions to sync with patient appointments and records for veterinary visits?


Choosing a system designed with your specific business type in mind will eliminate a lot of challenges and headaches. Many one-size-fits all payment systems force owners to settle for what they offer everyone—without customizing the solution to specific business needs.  

Think of it this way: It’s not about choosing the best payment processing for small business. It’s about choosing the best payment processing for YOUR small business. 

The best advice? A system designed for your business will be easier to implement and deliver more benefits than an off-the-rack offering.  

That’s where DaySmart can help. Our entire mission is to develop and deliver software solutions designed for specific kinds of businesses, so it’s easier for you to thrive and grow.  

We appreciate that a doggie daycare is different from a body art studio. That a day spa faces challenges a veterinarian doesn’t—and vice versa. A one-person barber shop has different needs than a small chain of mani-pedi salons. That’s why our integrated payment solutions are tailored to your business.  

How to begin?  

  1. Visit Explore the website to understand how integrated payments can benefit your specific type of business. 
  1. Explore Your Solution: DaySmart offers different solutions for different industries. Find the one that best fits your business needs. 
  1. Get in touch with a DaySmart Expert: Learn more about DaySmart Integrated payments and if it’s the right fit for your business.

If you want to be more efficient, have fewer administrative hassles—and enjoy more opportunities—DaySmart integrated payments can help.  

Learn from other business owners who’ve been there 

You don’t have to look too far to find small business owners who are glad they’ve made the switch to integrated payments.  

Jason Anderson of Wet Paws Mobile Pet Grooming sees value from integrating his payment system with his scheduling and customer data—and the ability to store and track customer cards for easier payment simplifies everything. As Jason explains, “Since we are 100% mobile groomers, we use the app exclusively…Do I want five platforms to manage and keep in sync, or just one?” 

Ursula Augustine, owner of Ursula’s About Phace Rittenhouse Makeup Studio was able to concentrate on delivering the best service to her clients instead of getting bogged down in complicated systems not suited to her business. In addition, Ursula said,  “I’m not great with technology, so it’s reassuring to know that I can always call in and have a human being help me with an issue.” 

Having a seamless integration of payments also helps Public Services Superintendent, Mike Cresap at Plano Sports Authority, manage his parks and recreation center. “In 2010 over 85% of our administrative work was done face to face, requiring staff to explain programs, review schedules/locations, register users, and take payments. Today less than 15% of that work is done face to face. Using the DaySmart Recreation customer portal. Users can research programs of interest, consider a schedule that suits their lifestyle, then register and pay, online.”  

Making the switch to integrated payments is a smart move for any small business. An even smarter one? Choosing a system that’s part of a complete, seamless suite of software that helps you run every aspect of your business—and is designed especially for your business’s unique needs.  

The bottom line? Integrated payments are essential for any small business to succeed 

We hope you’ve learned more about the benefits of integrated payments. How it can deliver a better experience for your clients and customers—and how it can make transactions, inventory, bookkeeping, and customer management easier for you and your team.  

And more than just learning WHY integrated payments are a smart decision for any small business, we talked about what to look for in yours—and outlined some steps on HOW to get started.  

Know this: it’s never too late to make the decision to incorporate integrated payment processing with your business. 

What’s more, integrated payments will help level the playing field between you and the biggest companies on earth—and it’s easier than ever to launch.   

Think of the bank we imagined before. The one that doesn’t offer electronic transactions, debit cards, or an app to manage customer accounts. Ask yourself: is that a bank you would want to do business with? Now think of your customers. If you don’t offer integrated payments to make things more convenient for them—your competition already does.

Want to learn more right now? Fill out the form to get a demo of DaySmart Payments integrated with a software solution built for your business!

The post Integrated Payments: 5 Things Every Business Owner Should Know  appeared first on DaySmart Vet.

3 Reasons Why Clients Aren’t Booking with Your Business and How To Fix It Wed, 13 Mar 2024 19:40:36 +0000 3 Reasons Why Clients Aren’t Booking with Your Business and How To Fix It  There’s nothing like seeing a full ...

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3 Reasons Why Clients Aren’t Booking with Your Business and How To Fix It 

There’s nothing like seeing a full calendar of client bookings. Busy periods of your schedule mean you’re at the top of your game, your employees are giving their all, clients are happy, and revenue is rolling in.

 But what do you do during the slow periods when you open your schedule and see a whole lot of nothing? To help, we’ve got three reasons why clients aren’t booking with your business and the steps you can take to fix them.

1. Ineffective Online Presence

Never underestimate the impact that your website and online listings can have on your small business. Your website serves as a vital platform for engaging with potential clients and providing them with the precise information they seek. From showcasing your services and pricing to offering a seamless appointment booking process, it all boils down to ensuring a seamless user experience that leaves clients satisfied and eager to choose your business.

Having a user-friendly and mobile-responsive website is key to increasing appointments booked. In fact, 82% of clients use mobile devices to book appointments. If they can’t easily make an appointment on their phone, they’re going look for a business that does. Once they find your website or online listing, is the information listed there correct and current? Incomplete and out-of-date information is another roadblock to client bookings. Trying to book a service that is no longer available or seeking days and times that have since changed will cause clients to go elsewhere.

Your online reputation matters as well, reviews can be one of the biggest setbacks – or a great leg up – for many businesses It’s common for reviews and ratings to appear in an online search, and they are pulled from social media and business listings sites. If you’re not using reputation management tools to leverage reviews, clients may look elsewhere when they can’t find recommendations.

2. Inadequate Marketing and Promotion

Marketing goes hand-in-hand with your online presence and its ability to drive client bookings. 

Are you using your online and community presence to promote awareness and visibility? Coming up with marketing promotional strategies is helpful, but not having the right tools for execution and follow-up will make these efforts more challenging. Social media is key for business growth. If you’re not posting photos and videos of the work you do, the trends you’re following, and the knowledge you possess, you won’t be noticed by clients in your community. Scroll down for marketing solutions and recommendations.

3. Subpar Customer Experience 

The customer experience is a key factor in whether or not they’ll come back. Small business owners have the unique challenge of finding unique ways to create positive experiences for everyone who walks in the door. Customers want a personalized, customized experience when they book an appointment. They want staff to acknowledge their individual preferences and expectations, resulting in a service that’s tailored just to them. Lack of soft skills and the ability to build relationships add to the experience, making it unpleasant or unprofessional.

How to Fix It: Solutions and Recommendations for Increasing Appointments Booked

Here’s the good news: these problems are easily solvable. Let’s take a look at some steps you can implement. 

1. Put Time and Effort Into Marketing

The work you put into your marketing will pay off in a full calendar and your business revenue targets. Having marketing plans in place will make it easier to put them into motion when you decide to run campaigns to promote your business. Decide what messaging and platforms you want to use when running a typical campaign. Then target your efforts based on what you’re promoting, who you want to reach, and what you want to accomplish. 

Text and email marketing are particularly helpful in reaching your customers and prospects. You can use both platforms to share special deals, announce new services, and promote your business during busy seasons, such as the holidays. Your clients check their texts and emails multiple times a day, so having a presence in their texts and inbox will make them more aware of what you offer.

Make social media a regular part of your day to highlight the great work you and your staff perform on a daily basis and make your community aware of the services you provide using these tips:

  • Leverage social media platforms in your marketing campaigns and general awareness.
  • Research competitors and industry experts to get inspiration for your own posts.
  • Use hashtags and tag clients, employees, and relevant local businesses and organizations to generate more exposure and engagement. 

2. Prioritize the Customer Experience

Focusing on excellent customer service and personalization will keep it top of mind for staff. If customers are happy, they’ll book return visits and make referrals. A business management platform lets you keep detailed notes on client preferences and personalize your services. It can also provide a seamless booking and communication experience for your clients and staff.

You might offer the best services in the neighborhood, but if they’re delivered by staff with a negative attitude, that’s all the client will remember. Train your staff to provide professional and friendly interactions and leave the right impression on every client in their chair. Having the right ambiance and a clean space will go a long way toward a positive experience. Make sure your decor, music, and cleaning procedures work together to create an environment for customers to relax and enjoy their visit. 

3. Use the Right Software and Information for Your Online Presence

Choosing the best tools is the first step to improving your online presence. Make it easy for clients to learn more about your business and take action. This starts with your website — invest in a solution that provides a mobile-friendly and user-friendly website experience. Your clients need to seamlessly navigate your site no matter what device they’re using. 

Update and optimize your online booking platforms with accurate information. When you’re making changes to your staff, scheduling availability, and services, make sure your booking platforms and business listings reflect the new information. Create a checklist of your web pages and online listings for when these changes are made so you don’t forget where you need to make updates.

Ask them to shout their love from the (digital) rooftops. Make it easy for customers to write a review so you can publish them to your website, social media, and listing sites to bring in new customers.

Fill Your Calendar and Your Revenue Stream 

Having an ineffective online presence, inadequate marketing, and subpar customer service can create barriers to booking. These problems are getting in the way of new and repeat customers who want to do business with you but can’t get past these roadblocks. Solving these issues is vital to running a successful business, generating revenue, and keeping customers happy and eager to return.

If you’re overwhelmed, tackle one problem at a time. The improvements you see will be motivation enough to keep going and breaking down these barriers to success.

A Successful Business Starts with the Right Management Platform

DaySmart is the software solution that’s helping businesses simplify the way they schedule, take payments, communicate, and manage tasks. Find the solution that’s right for your business and request a demonstration today!

The post 3 Reasons Why Clients Aren’t Booking with Your Business and How To Fix It  appeared first on DaySmart Vet.

How to Advertise Your Business Locally Wed, 13 Mar 2024 17:55:20 +0000 How to Advertise Your Business Locally If you own a small business, you know how important it is to develop a ...

The post How to Advertise Your Business Locally appeared first on DaySmart Vet.


How to Advertise Your Business Locally

Advertising your small business.

If you own a small business, you know how important it is to develop a relationship with local customers. Building a relationship with the locals is essential for continued business and growth; for any small business.

After all, if people who live nearby aren’t visiting their local businesses, why would others from further afield make the trip?

Unfortunately, advertising locally is not as simple as you might hope. However, once you understand how to implement effective advertising, the results you will see will be monumental.

Suppose you can successfully separate your offering from the competition and engage with your local customers. In that case, you will see plenty of knock-on effects, such as more business, more positive reviews, and even some more customers that are not local.

This article will guide you on how to advertise your business locally to good effect and help you continue to grow and build your brand.

Key takeaways for your business

From this article, you will learn the following:

  1. How to create marketing campaigns that resonate with your local customers and help you stand out from the competition.
  2. You can employ a range of digital and physical marketing tactics to experience more local business from local customers.
  3. Any business can use several free and cost-effective marketing tools, regardless of size or marketing budget.

Ways You Can Promote Your Local Business

Start a Company Blog

Developing a company blog is one of the most effective marketing strategies available to you. Not only is blogging completely free to execute, but it can also lead to several new potential clients discovering your business.

By writing plenty of blog content surrounding your industry, you will show potential customers just how knowledgeable you are about the field, and it will build your trust and reputation.

Not only that, but Google’s ranking system will also take note. If your content is deemed insightful, engaging, and beneficial, your business will appear at the top of the rankings when local people search for businesses near me them.

However, to achieve this success, your content must be more thought out than simply writing about industry-related topics you anticipate people are searching in Google. To ensure your content has a true impact on where your business ranks on Google, you must implement a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.

An SEO strategy includes keyword research, highlighting which topics are constantly searched by your target audience, which you can then use to write content that answers their query. Google values content that solves users’ questions and offers them useful guidance.

There are plenty of free keyword research tools that you can use to map out your blog content, or you can use more advanced tools like Ahrefs, SEMRush, and SurferSEO if they fall within your marketing budget.

Understanding what your target audience is looking for online is the first step toward building content that will lead to traffic and new local customers.

Keep Your Social Media Channels Updated

Once you have spent time crafting the perfect blog content for your audience, you should start sharing it on social media. 

Social media marketing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat, are all excellent ways to interact with potential local customers.

Almost all of your local target audience will use social media platforms to search for the best businesses nearby. Therefore, it is crucial that you remain active on each channel and try to respond to comments, queries, or direct messages, as quickly as possible.

As you will know, first-time customers often have plenty of questions, which is perfectly understandable. 

By being active on social media, you allow potential customers to ask these queries, gain more information about what they are looking for, and also build your relationship, making you more trustworthy. The more trustworthy you are, the more likely they are to choose your business.

Each social media platform offers its own unique benefits. Instagram and TikTok offer excellent opportunities to showcase your work and get potential local customers excited over what you can do. Obviously, some social media channels are better than others when it comes to industry; Tattoo artists, stylists, and groomers tend to get much more of their business from Instagram than Facebook or LinkedIn, due to the nature of the industry.

Just remember to keep your social media posts relevant to your local audience, and you will quickly see your follower count grow.

Sign Up for Local Listings or Local Directory

Another important way that you can advertise your small business locally is to submit your contact details and business profile to local listings, ones that are specific to your industry.

Often these local listings are run by professional organizations, such as local directories like Yelp or review sites like Tripadvisor.

By locally listing your business, you allow potential customers to research your business before making a commitment.

Implement Locally Targeted Ads

While some businesses believe that digital marketing is only beneficial for brands that focus on a nationwide or worldwide audience, that isn’t the case.

Facebook advertising has become incredibly popular as a local advertising option for businesses due to the extensive details they have on their users.

You can create digital ads for your business and then personalize them to only target a specific audience, using several targeting options to narrow down your audience:

  • Geofencing
  • Demographic
  • Address
  • Interests
  • Page likes
  • Age

These are just some of the options you can use to identify your local target audience with your advertisements.

Don’t be put off if your audience volume drops significantly; that is always going to happen when you start hyper-targeting. 

It is much better to spend advertising money promoting your product or service to people that want to hear about it and are potential buyers rather than focusing on sending it to a large group that doesn’t fit your target audience.

Geofencing allows you to only target people within a certain radius of your business, ensuring you are only targeting local people.

From there, you can also add rules surrounding the demographic, their interests, what pages they have liked, and even how old they are.

Focusing on people who show an interest in your industry or similar industries is a good way to identify people who are likely interested in getting one at some point.

Create a few very similar audiences, possibly split by age or by interests, and see which ones perform the best.

Once you have identified the best-performing ads, put more of your budget into those groups to reach more similar people, and take money out of the underperforming ads.

Locally targeted ads take a little bit of funding and trial and error, but once you identify your audience, you will quickly see results.

Create a Direct Mail Campaign

While digital marketing campaigns have plenty of value and can be really fun to get your head around, don’t discard traditional local advertising methods like direct mail.

Direct mail might’ve been around for a long time now and may not be the most popular choice, but it is still extremely effective.

Due to how the internet is set up, users are hit with ads almost everywhere they go. While this gives you plenty of advertising opportunities, it also means they lose some of their impact.

One way to stand out from the crowd is to go back to basics and start sending out physical brochures.

You may want to design your own brochure or hire a freelance designer to do it for you. Whichever option you choose, ensure you include your business details and contact information, and possibly a first purchase incentive, such as a discount.

You could also consider posting an advert in the local paper, although that might not be as effective depending on whether or not your target audience is avid readers of the daily newspaper.

Build Your Email List

It might not be quite as traditional as direct marketing, but email marketing is another effective advertising technique that has proven successful over many years.

Email marketing is fantastic for building brand awareness, increasing customer acquisition, convincing customers to repurchase, and so many other benefits.

The bigger your email list, the more opportunities can come from each message you send.

Offer incentives for people to register for your email list, and include them on local flyers, direct marketing, and even on small business cards you have on show at your business.

Take Part in Community Activities

If you are searching for the most organic way to promote your business locally, then showing potential clients you are a contributing member of the local community is a great place to start. 

Showing people you genuinely care about the area will go a long way to showing prospective customers that you are loyal to the area, and they should be loyal to you.

Keep an eye out for volunteering opportunities, fundraisers your business can donate to, or any local events your business can get involved in.

The key to these events is not to heavily promote your brand, as the local people will see through this as fake generosity and loyalty. Instead, offer genuine support and allow people to learn about the brand behind your support organically.

You might even consider partnering with local charities or hosting your own fundraising event for a local cause. Essentially, any opportunity to get involved with the local community should be taken.

Create a Loyalty Program

Another way to advertise your business locally is by promoting a loyalty program for your customers. This type of advertising will help you gain repeat business from locals and develop customer loyalty.

Existing local customers will be more tempted to work with your business again if there is an incentive to do so.

That incentive could be gaining a discount on each purchase or a free gift after a certain amount of purchases are made, for example.

The more you work with existing customers, the more you will build up your local business community and develop a foundation that you can build upon.

Build a Referral Program

Finally, one excellent way to build up your local customer base is by offering a referral program. While some of your customers will willingly share how amazing your business is with their friends and family, others may need a little push.

Offering a discount on their next purchase with you is a great referral option. You can increase the discount the more people they refer to your business. The choice is up to you. 

For any customer who is happy with their experience, they will be more likely to want a second one. Offering them the chance to get a discount will incentivize them to promote your brand to other people, which will carry much more weight than any marketing message you can create.

Studies have shown that over 60% of customers trust recommendations from friends and family over the word of a company.

Therefore you can quickly start to see why this advertising strategy is a fantastic way to develop awareness organically via word of mouth.

Final Thoughts on How to Advertise Your Business Locally

Now you have several ways to advertise your small business efficiently and effectively. Many of these options of easy to implement, and while some do come with an associated cost, they should not be too significant.

However, marketing can take plenty of your time, the time you may not have to spare. To free up time for essential marketing strategies, consider using Daysmart. 

Ditch the pen and paper and embrace tech to manage more of your business. DaySmart software solutions help businesses simplify the way they schedule, take payments, communicate, and manage tasks.

Once you have freed up additional time with this software, you can start implementing your marketing strategies and growing your business.

Find the solution that can help you seize your day, smarter!

The post How to Advertise Your Business Locally appeared first on DaySmart Vet.

The Perfect Veterinary Practice Software and Other Gifts for Your Holiday Wish List Tue, 05 Dec 2023 20:48:45 +0000 The Perfect Veterinary Practice Software and Other Gifts for Your Holiday Wish List All year long, you work hard to ...

The post The Perfect Veterinary Practice Software and Other Gifts for Your Holiday Wish List appeared first on DaySmart Vet.


The Perfect Veterinary Practice Software and Other Gifts for Your Holiday Wish List

border collie dog holding gift

All year long, you work hard to keep the clients, pets, and team members of your veterinary practice happy. You give a lot to the community around you, so when they get the chance to give back, you might want to have a few things on your holiday wish list.

In this blog, we’ve compiled a little list of gifts sure to bring you extra cheer this season. From practical presents like your ideal veterinary practice software to personalized touches that brighten the office, discover these ideas that just might spread more joy throughout your days.

Veterinary Gifts to Add to Your Holiday Wish List This Year

Whether you’re looking to add improvements to your practice, slow down your busy schedule, upgrade your routine, or find time for a little self-care, we’ve got some gift ideas for your wishlist you didn’t even know you needed. 

Wardrobe Upgrade from Wink

Let’s start with the basics. You deserve to be comfortable throughout the day and what better way to treat yourself to something cozy than with a new pair of scrubs from Wink. These highly rated scrub sets are designed to move with you throughout the day and there are so many styles and colors to choose from — you’ll have no problem finding the set that makes you smile this season. 

dog biting on shoes

Shoes That Can Keep Up With You

You need a pair of shoes that can withstand the above-average number of steps you take in a single day. If these aren’t on your wish list (or in your closet) already, tell your loved ones to add Allbirds to their shopping list. They’re made with sustainability, style, and comfort, making them perfect for your everyday wear. They’re also super easy to clean so you don’t have to worry about stepping lightly in them.

A Watch That Tracks Way More Than Time 

Speaking of steps, why not keep track of them and a lot more with an Apple Watch? As you’re rushing around on those new shoes, make your life even easier with a way to manage your schedule, communications, and notes while you’re on duty. You can even add your own flare with personalized watch bands that bring extra color to your day. 

Custom Stethoscope ID Rings

There’s no better way to mark your stethoscope than with an ID ring that fits your personality. These sweet accessories from Three Little Pixies are a perfect way to customize one of your most-used pieces of equipment in the office, and add a little charm to your look. 

Artwork to Brighten Your Practice

Add something that brings both you and your clients joy: custom artwork. From the millions of sellers on Etsy, you can find anything from custom metal signs to personalized prints that give your practice more character than ever. 

couple with vegetables watching dog eating carrot

A Plant-Based Subscription (Literally) 

And while you’re elevating your décor, you might enjoy a plant delivery subscription from The Sill, so you can bring new life into your practice every month. You can even choose from pet-friendly options to ensure that while you’re enjoying your gilded-in-green office, your furry guests stay safe and healthy.

Food Deliveries for Your Busiest Days

On the topic of deliveries, services like Caviar and Grubhub can make some of the most appreciated gifts. Whether you need your lunch to come straight to you, or you need someone else to do the cooking after a long day, it’s always nice to be treated to food from your favorite places. 

chihuahua with glasses typing on computer

The Perfect Veterinary Practice Software

One of the best ways to preserve year-long cheer, is to find a practice management software that meets your needs and supports your growth. While there may be many to choose from, not all of them will be the perfect fit. Add to your wish list one that offers comprehensive features to simplify your day-to-day, like integrated payment processing that enables you to accept a variety of online and in-person payment types. Prioritize a platform that also offers the ability to sync with QuickBooks, so you can easily import billing records and make it easier on yourself during tax season. 

It’s important to consider options that come with user-friendly mobile apps or pet portals for your clients to use, with features like two-way texting and appointment scheduling that streamline operations and keep things running smoothly for everyone. When it comes to inventory management, a software that lets you automate orders from distributors right from the platform, keeps your practice well-stocked and removes the stress of remembering to place manual orders.

Discover if DaySmart Vet is the Veterinary Practice Software for Your Wish List

If you’re in the market for a new software or might be considering a change in the future, check out our Complete Guide for Making the Switch to a Better Veterinary Software. There you’ll discover common barriers for switching, why it’s important to evaluate your options, how to prepare for your conversations with prospective providers, and what features to look out for. 

DaySmart Vet is a cloud-based veterinary practice management software designed to automate tasks, streamline workflows, and improve communication. It’s a comprehensive platform where you can manage everything all from one place, so nothing gets missed. Complete with the features mentioned above and so many more, it could be the perfect addition to your holiday season. To discover if DaySmart Vet is right for your practice, schedule a demo

The point is, you deserve to be showered with love and pampered with presents this season. So, create a wish list that makes you happy. From the whole team at DaySmart Vet, we wish you a very joyful holiday season.

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What You Should Know About the Canine Respiratory Illness Mon, 04 Dec 2023 21:51:48 +0000 What You Should Know About the Canine Respiratory Illness During the holiday season, it’s common knowledge that humans sometimes catch ...

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What You Should Know About the Canine Respiratory Illness

canine respiratory illness

During the holiday season, it’s common knowledge that humans sometimes catch illnesses as they gather in large groups to celebrate. This year, canines are facing the same issue. As humans — and their pups — meet up with their family and friends, there is cause for concern that dogs are spreading a recently identified respiratory illness.

The respiratory illness, referred to as atypical canine respiratory illness, was first identified in the western United States during the summer and has spread to as many as 14 states by the end of November. The illness includes several symptoms, such as coughing and sneezing, difficulty breathing, rapid breathing, and wheezing or nasal whistling. 

Veterinarians have been key to identifying and managing the outbreak, and their findings have been reported to veterinary schools and professional organizations that are then sharing the information throughout the industry.

As a veterinarian, here’s what you should be aware of regarding this illness, how to treat your patients, and how to inform their owners.

What is the canine respiratory virus?

According to the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine, atypical canine respiratory illness is an acute respiratory infection that ranges from a mild infection to a life-threatening diagnosis accompanied by pneumonia. Veterinarians have identified these common symptoms:

  • Breathing issues — difficulty breathing, rapid breathing, coughing and sneezing, and wheezing or nasal whistling
  • Fever
  • Dehydration
  • Nasal or eye discharge
  • Decrease in activity — lethargy or difficulty exercising
  • Nutrition issues — loss of appetite or weight loss

It is highly contagious and rapidly spreads when dogs come into close contact with other dogs. Their dogs should refrain from sharing dog bowls, toys, or chews.

The respiratory illness is diagnosed by identifying symptoms and through testing. If infected, dogs are prescribed cough suppressants for mild cases. Dogs with more severe cases may be hospitalized due to dehydration and treated with nebulization, IV antibiotics, or ventilatory support. 

How can veterinarians manage the canine respiratory virus outbreak?

Veterinarians should be on the alert for any patients exhibiting the above symptoms that can appear differently depending on the patient. Some may have a mild to moderate cough that persists for six to eight weeks or more that doesn’t lessen with antibiotic treatment. Others can suffer from chronic pneumonia that has no response to antibiotics. Severe cases may present as severe pneumonia that worsens between 24 to 36 hours.

Diagnostic testing and tools are available for atypical canine respiratory illness, such as those offered by the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, which include a Canine Respiratory PCR Panel and analysis of several types of samples.

What preventative measures are recommended for veterinary clinics?

It’s important for veterinarians to take preventative measures at their clinics. Make sure that patients are current on all vaccinations and recommend vaccination against canine influenza virus for dogs that are expected to be in custody for long periods of time. 

Keep your clinic clean by sanitizing exam rooms and areas frequented by dogs and typically contaminated surfaces on doorknobs, phones, waiting areas, and office areas.

How should veterinarians inform their clients?

Communicating to clients about atypical canine respiratory illness is a proactive measure that can help inform pet owners about the illness and prevent its spread.

Use a vet practice management software to email and text clients about the respiratory illness and let them know how your practice is taking preventative measures. Set up automated confirmations and reminders to those who have upcoming appointments that they should let you know about any associated symptoms. Track symptoms and diagnosis by keeping detailed notes in patient records and through forms, check-in and check-out procedures, and requests for information via follow up messages.

As news of the respiratory illness changes across the country and in your area, keep your clients up to date by sending emails and texts with the latest information. And share guidelines on the preventative measures owners can take at home. With the busy holiday season in swing, you may want to send a message in early December to remind travelers about contagious situations at boarding kennels and among gatherings where other attendees may be bringing dogs and contribute to the spread of the illness.

Next steps

There is still a lot to learn about the atypical canine respiratory illness, but you and your patients can take the necessary steps to limit infection and provide immediate care for dogs. Share the newest information and remind your patients about the illness with frequent communication. Keep track of what you’re observing in your patient records. And keep on top of symptoms, spread, and treatment information by checking the news and reading blogs from industry publications.

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How You Can Use DaySmart Vet to Better Your Practice Tue, 14 Nov 2023 14:39:40 +0000 How You Can Use DaySmart Vet to Better Your Practice A veterinary practice is a non-stop environment, with staff focusing ...

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How You Can Use DaySmart Vet to Better Your Practice

A veterinary practice is a non-stop environment, with staff focusing on the best way to care for patients and business operations every minute of every day.

To do it all, your practice needs a reliable Patient Information Management System (PIMS) that helps you oversee everything happening at your practice from the moment you open your doors for the day to the second you close. DaySmart Vet’s modern and intuitive cloud-based software platform is helping veterinarians do that.

veterinarian using ipad instead of pen and paper

How can DaySmart Vet improve your daily operations? Let’s take a look:

Start with a holistic view of the day’s appointments 

Whether you begin the day by checking your laptop, phone, or tablet, you can access DaySmart Vet’s calendar to see everything that awaits your workday. You’ll have an overview of which patients are coming in, your staff schedule, and any downtime that can be used for emergency visits or managing the back-end of your practice. DaySmart Vet helps you set priorities, identify busy and slow times of the day, and allocate resources where you need them most.

Don’t stress about contacting patients

DaySmart Vet starts working before you’ve walked in the door. Its automated features have already been sending appointment reminders and generating tasks for your front office staff to make any important calls or send follow-up messages.

Improve the patient experience

Features like DaySmart Vet’s PetCare App allow your patients to simplify the check-in process and reduce waiting room times. They can use the app to check in and access online forms quickly from their phone. With our client-facing mobile app your clients can easily request appointments and prescription refills, submit payments, access pet health information, and more — taking the burden off your front desk staff.

Positive appointment experience

Digitize patient records

No folders, no printing, no filing. DaySmart Vet allows you to easily locate your patient records in real-time and use collaborative notes to allow your team to work in sync. Because the DaySmart Vet software solution integrates with over 30 veterinary solutions, you can get instant access to important information like labs, imaging, diagnostic, and other technology services. Your staff and patients always have the current version of records at their fingertips.

Patient checkout made easy

DaySmart Vet’s integrated payment processing features enable you to create invoices and collect payments in just a few clicks. Billing has never been easier! You can also create and send medical certificates directly to your patient portal.

Improved patient checkout experience

Wrap up the day

After your appointments are done for the day, get a full-picture view of how your practice is performing with reports that show trends around purchasing behavior, growth opportunities, and how your doctors are contributing to business performance. 

Seize your day with DaySmart Vet

DaySmart Vet is the all-in-one, cloud-based PIMS that’s built to help you seize your day so you can provide the best care to your patients. See how we can help you increase productivity and streamline workflows by meeting with one of our experts. Click here to book your free demo.

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A Guide to an Excellent Veterinary Customer Experience Fri, 03 Nov 2023 16:46:28 +0000 A Guide to an Excellent Veterinary Customer Experience  Caring for pets is not just about medical expertise; it’s also about ...

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A Guide to an Excellent Veterinary Customer Experience 

cat and dog snuggling under a blanket

Caring for pets is not just about medical expertise; it’s also about ensuring a positive and comfortable experience for both the pets and their owners. From the moment they step into your clinic to the time they leave, it’s essential to create an environment that puts both clients and their furry companions at ease. In this guide, we’ll explore key strategies for keeping your customers comfortable from the waiting room to the exam room and back home.

Put Customer Service First 

Dog being served tea

Did you know about 1 in 5 customers in the U.S. will walk away from a business after one bad experience? The foundation of a successful veterinary practice is outstanding customer service. Your clients are not just customers; they’re pet parents who want the best care for their furry family members. 

To provide exceptional customer service: 

  • Greet Clients Warmly: A friendly and welcoming greeting sets the tone for the entire visit. A warm smile and a simple “Hello, how can we help you today?” can go a long way. 
  • Actively Listen: Listen to your clients’ concerns and questions. Make them feel heard and valued and encourage them to share any relevant information about their pets’ health and behavior. 
  • Communicate Clearly: Explain medical procedures, diagnoses, and treatment options in a way that clients can understand. Use simple language and avoid industry jargon. 
  • Follow Up: After a visit or procedure, check in with clients to see how their pets are doing. This shows that you care about their well-being beyond the appointment. 

Ensure Vets Are Well-Informed 

Informed veterinarians are crucial to the well-being of your patients. Imagine how a worried pet owner would feel if their veterinarian didn’t know who they were or why they were being seen. The pet owner may become frustrated and feel like they’re not valued. Here’s how to make sure your veterinary team stays well-informed: 

  • Make Sure Your Staff is Prepared: Before seeing their first patient, your staff members should look at an overview of their schedule and the reasons for each appointment. This gives the vets time to prepare for their day, mental space to process complex cases, and the energy to give each client the attention they deserve. 
  • Keep Track of Patient Records: Maintain detailed and accurate records for each patient, including medical history, allergies, and previous treatments. This information ensures that vets have all the necessary data to make informed decisions. 
  • Regular Training: Keep your vet staff updated on the latest research, treatments, and best practices. Continuous education ensures they provide the best care possible. 

Provide a Hospitable Environment 

dog watching tv in a tiger onesie

Creating a welcoming atmosphere in your clinic can help alleviate anxiety and stress for both pets and their owners. Consider these steps: 

  • Create a Comfortable Waiting Area: Make the waiting room cozy with comfortable seating, especially if patients may be waiting for a long time.  
  • Offer Refreshments and Entertainment: Everyone needs water, right? Offering water bottles and having water bowls and treats for pets ensures that everyone feels catered to. And for your clients specifically, play calming music and offer magazines and educational resources. 
  • Keep Certain Species Separate: If your space allows, have a separate area for cats and dogs so pets can remain as calm as possible. 

Review Your Booking, Check-In, and Check-Out Process 

A seamless process can significantly enhance the client experience. Here’s what to consider: 

  • Ensure Instructions are Clear: Provide clear instructions for check-in and check-out procedures to eliminate confusion and make the process as straightforward as possible. 
  • Get Someone to Test Your Process: This could also be done by a close friend, but having a customer experience expert or another business owner would be ideal. The goal is to have feedback you can use to improve your process. 
  • Offer Online Booking: Offer online booking options, allowing clients to request appointments conveniently. 

Manage Your Time Wisely   

dog chewing clock

Whether you run a mobile veterinary practice or operate in a brick-and-mortar, you know that your days don’t always go according to plan. Late arrivals, a crowded calendar, and unexpected messes can cause days to go off the rails. To decrease the risk of stress in you, your staff, and your patients, implement these strategies: 

  • Minimize Wait Times: Veterinarian clients wait an average of 17 minutes to be seen, yet most become irritated after only 15 minutes. Efficient scheduling and timely appointments reduce wait times, which can be stressful for pets and their owners. 
  • Make Your Calendar Work for You: Instead of trying to schedule as many visits as possible, utilize your practice management software to highlight your busiest and slowest days, and base your open appointments on that data and your staffing capabilities. 
  • Relay Appointment Delays: If your office is running behind on their appointments, call or text your clients about the delays and suggest that they come later. This shows they your clinic respects the time of your patients. And rather than being angry with your clinic for the inconvenience, they’ll appreciate the notice. 
  • Take Client Information in Advance: With DaySmart Vet’s current online forms feature, practices can now send their clients pre-made or customized forms prior to their appointment for things like new client intake, surgery consent, and more. Forms can be sent through text, email, or in the client-facing PetCare mobile app. Not only will this decrease the amount of time clients spend in the waiting room, but it will also create a seamless check-in process and allow your clinic to go paperless! 

Catering to the needs of your pet patients and their owners is a cornerstone of a successful veterinary practice. By focusing on good customer service, ensuring your vet staff is well-informed, providing a hospitable environment, reviewing your processes, and practicing good time management, you can create a comfortable and welcoming experience that sets your clinic apart. Keep in mind that a positive experience not only ensures the well-being of the pets but also fosters client loyalty, ultimately benefiting your business and DaySmart Vet offers tools and features to help you do that. To get a better scope of how our software could assist you further, schedule a demo or watch our latest customer experience workshop

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Demystifying PIMS: What Does Patient Information Management System Stand For? Thu, 05 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The post Demystifying PIMS: What Does Patient Information Management System Stand For? appeared first on DaySmart Vet.

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Demystifying PIMS: What Does Patient Information Management System Stand For?

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Managing information efficiently is crucial for businesses across industries in today’s fast-paced world. As a veterinarian, you understand that keeping accurate records, tracking inventory, and enhancing patient care are vital aspects of your practice. This is where a Practice Information Management System (PIMS) comes into play. In this article, we will break down the meaning and benefits of PIMS, specifically tailored for veterinary practices.

Defining PIMS

First and foremost, let’s clarify the acronym. PIMS stands for Practice Information Management System. It is a software solution designed to streamline and optimize capturing, storing, and retrieving crucial patient information. Although traditionally associated with manufacturing industries, PIMS has transcended boundaries and proven its worth in various sectors, including healthcare.

Applications of PIMS

PIMS helps practices manage schedules, patient information, and communications. Adopting a PIMS allows you to centralize patient records, digitize paperwork and forms, and seamlessly track appointments, medications, and treatments. This ultimately results in improved patient care, efficiency, and accuracy within your practice.

Benefits of PIMS

Implementing a PIMS in a veterinarian’s practice offers numerous advantages. First, it enhances data display, archiving, and reporting capabilities. Having all patient records and vital information stored in a secure digital format allows you to access and analyze data to make better-informed decisions easily. This leads to optimized workflows, increased efficiency, and improved patient outcomes.

Secondly, a PIMS improves communication and collaboration amongst your veterinary team. With a centralized system, all team members can access crucial patient information in real time, reducing the chances of miscommunication and errors. This ensures everyone is on the same page and enables seamless transitions of care, especially in multi-doctor practices.

Furthermore, a PIMS offers powerful reporting tools that generate detailed insights into the financial performance and overall health of your practice. By closely monitoring key performance indicators and metrics, you can make data-driven decisions to boost profitability and strategic growth.

Key Features to Look for in a PIMS

When selecting a PIMS for your veterinarian’s practice, consider several key features. Interoperability is essential, as it ensures compatibility with other software systems you may already use, such as laboratory equipment and imaging systems. Data quality is equally important, as accurate and up-to-date information forms the foundation of effective patient care. Lastly, prioritize security features to safeguard sensitive patient data in compliance with privacy laws.

Implementing PIMS in a Veterinarian Practice

Implementing a PIMS may seem overwhelming, but with proper planning and support, it can be a seamless transition. Start by identifying your practice’s specific needs and goals. Collaborate with the PIMS provider to customize the system to suit your practice’s workflows and preferences. Train your team on how to effectively utilize the new system and ensure ongoing customer support is readily available. With a little patience and guidance, the benefits of PIMS will soon be realized in your practice.

A Practice Information Management System (PIMS) is a powerful tool that can revolutionize the way your veterinarian practice operates. By centralizing patient records, optimizing workflows, and enhancing communication, a PIMS can significantly improve patient care, efficiency, and overall practice performance. As a busy veterinarian, it’s essential to choose the right PIMS for your practice’s unique needs. Are you in the process of looking for a new solution? Check out our buyer’s guide to make sure you’re on the right track!

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A Complete Buyer’s Guide for Making the Switch to a Better Veterinary Software Tue, 29 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The post A Complete Buyer’s Guide for Making the Switch to a Better Veterinary Software appeared first on DaySmart Vet.

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A Complete Buyer’s Guide for Making the Switch to a Better Veterinary Software

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If you’ve been using out-of-date veterinary software to run your practice, or perhaps one that doesn’t quite fit all of your needs, it may be time to reevaluate your options. You may find you’re spending too much of your day on the administrative responsibilities of running a practice, taking valuable time away from your patients and clients.

The software you choose to run your vet practice shouldn’t be holding you back. The right software should simplify your day-to-day, strengthen the workflows of your practice, and support your growth goals.

We’ve compiled this buyer’s guide to help you navigate the search for your ideal software — we’ll cover:

  • Common barriers to switching software (and how to overcome them)
  • Reasons you should consider transitioning to a new provider
  • How to prepare for conversations with potential vet software providers

Common Barriers to Switching to a New Veterinary Software

When it comes to making systematic changes to a vet practice, it’s natural to have hesitations. But as an owner or manager, you have to also be able to recognize when parts of your system may not be working optimally. Shifting to a new vet software provider can take some effort and willingness to adapt to change, but it can also help create a better environment for your team, your workflows, and your patients and clients.

These are some of the most common barriers holding vet practices back from finding a software that could be a better fit:

The Transition Timeline

The concern: There’s an assumption that switching vet software providers can be time-consuming.

The opportunity: If you find the right provider, your transition timeline will support your goals. Your software company should work with you to set expectations, maintain diligence, and meet milestone deadlines to ensure you’re up and running with as little disruption to your time and team as possible.

The Expected Expense

The concern: Some may assume that shifting to a new software requires significant expense and redirection of resources.

The opportunity: This certainly does not have to be the case — you can find a vet software provider that works with your budget and boosts efficiencies throughout your practice, ultimately saving you both time and money.

Comfort with Consistency

The concern: An understandable barrier, some experience general resistance to change. Your team may have reservations about learning the functionality of a new software, even if it’s less than ideal — it’s just what they know.

The opportunity: Your ideal software provider will make your transition easy and painless by guiding you every step of the way and ensuring comprehensive training and around-the-clock support resources are in place.

Data Transfer Difficulties

The concern: Maybe you’re worried that important patient and client data will get lost along the way.

The opportunity: The right software provider won’t let this happen. Find a partner that will give you clarity and confidence in how data will be safely and securely transferred, so nothing of value is lost.

Why You Should Reevaluate Your Vet Software Options

If you can identify any of the above barriers in your own decision-making, there are always ways around them. By assessing the opportunities and understanding the benefits that may be just one decision away, there’s potential to experience value that far outweighs the concerns and assumptions.

Here are several reasons it’s important to consider finding a software that better suits the needs of your vet practice:

  • Your practice could be running more efficiently
  • You’ll be better equipped to prevent burnout
  • You will likely save time and money
  • You may be missing out on enhanced features
  • Your growth aspirations deserve to be elevated
  • You can give your patients and clients a better experience

How to Prepare for Your Conversations with Potential Veterinary Software Providers

When you’ve decided it might be time to explore the options beyond your existing software, part of your research will include conducting interviews with the prospects you’re interested in, to find your right fit. You may have a million questions or you may not know what to ask — that’s OK. This will be your moment to put them on the spot, so take some time to organize your thoughts.

You should feel empowered by your options — not overwhelmed. Use the below questions to help you prepare, so you can walk into each conversation confidently, knowing what to ask, and what information you’ll need to receive before making any decisions.

Ask These Questions of the Vet Software Providers You’re Exploring

What does a typical transition timeline look like?

  • Do you anticipate anything different for us?
  • Should we expect any delays?
  • How will you support the transition?

What does your pricing structure look like?

  • Are there hidden fees?
  • How can you save my practice money?

What is the data transfer process like?

  • Will we lose access to key information?
  • Have you ever experienced issues during data transfer?

How would this transition impact our patients and clients?

  • What disruptions should we anticipate?
  • Do you offer a pet portal for our clients to access important information?
  • How do you support simple veterinary appointment booking for clients?

What kind of training would you provide for us to learn your software?

  • What kind of support do you offer?
  • Will we have points of contact we can reach directly for help?

What successes or challenges have you seen with other practices?

  • Do you have case studies to share?
  • Do you have references we can contact?

Based on the Information You Receive, Ask Yourself These Questions

  • How will the logistics of a transition impact my practice? My patients and clients?
  • Will I be well-supported by this provider during the transition and beyond?
  • Will this software scale with my practice as it grows?
  • How will my team benefit from a transition?
  • Is it financially feasible and/or beneficial to switch?
  • Does it make sense for my practice to make a transition at this time?

Features to Look for in a Vet Software Fit for Your Practice

Another important piece of your research will include an assessment of a software’s available features. You’ll have to determine how comprehensive the capabilities are and if they have the capacity to support the needs of your practice, today and in the future.

During your conversations or demo periods, look for these features in a practice management software to help you optimize your operations, improve your patient experience, and reach your goals:

  • Easy-to-use veterinary appointment booking and scheduling tools
  • Automated appointment confirmations and reminders
  • Simple medical record and invoice creation
  • Pain-free inventory management
  • Versatile accessibility from a computer, tablet, or mobile device
  • Real-time collaboration of multiple users in medical charts
  • Seamless online and in-person payment acceptance
  • Available integrations for functions like accounting and marketing
  • One-way and two-way texting for enhanced communication
  • Custom reporting for tracking trends and growth of your practice
  • A pet portal where clients can access their pets’ medical records, view vaccination certificates, and pay bills.

DaySmart Vet is an all-in-one, cloud-based vet software that provides all of these features and more. Built to help you increase productivity and streamline workflows, DaySmart Vet gives veterinarians more time to focus on caring for the animals they love.

As you reevaluate your vet software options, book a free demo and see if DaySmart Vet is right for your practice.

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A Guide to Managing Stress in Veterinary Medicine and How Your Vet Software Can Help Tue, 11 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The post A Guide to Managing Stress in Veterinary Medicine and How Your Vet Software Can Help appeared first on DaySmart Vet.

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A Guide to Managing Stress in Veterinary Medicine and How Your Vet Software Can Help

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As with many sectors of healthcare, veterinary medicine comes with a natural dose of everyday stress — but, there’s risk in that inevitable truth. If left unchecked, stress can progress into what the World Health Organization (WHO) classifies as an ‘occupational phenomenon’, caused by the result of unmanaged stress in the workplace.

In a recent survey, evaluated in a study called ‘The Economic Cost of Burnout in Veterinary Medicine’, nearly 87% of veterinary professionals reported Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL) scores in the moderate to high range. The same study reported that the “attributable cost of burnout of veterinarians to the U.S. industry is between $1 and $2 billion annually.”

That’s an incredible loss of both revenue and satisfaction among a group of healthcare workers that are so vital to the health and wellbeing of our communities — so, let’s focus on how we can prevent the loss.

In this blog, we’ll discuss:

  • How to recognize stress before it turns into burnout

  • Strategies for managing stress and preventing burnout

  • How your vet software can reduce workplace stress

Recognize Stress Before it Burns You Out

With reverence for all that vets accomplish and a concern for the impact of stress and burnout, we recently hosted a webinar with guest Dr. Marie Holowaychuk, a veterinary professional committed to empowering others in the vet world to live a healthy and balanced life.

She shared her best advice on effectively identifying, preventing, and managing stress and burnout with strategies for the workplace and beyond. One of her biggest takeaways was the importance of developing an understanding of the contributing occupational and lifestyle factors. When you can trace these causes, you can start to make changes:

Common Causes of Stress and Burnout

  • Lack of control or unclear expectations

  • Demanding workload or long hours

  • Not taking time off or having work-life separation

  • Lack of recognition or reward

  • Workplace toxicity or interpersonal conflict

  • Values incongruence

  • Insufficient resources and off-shift responsibilities

What’s also important to look out for, are the signs and symptoms of stress and burnout that you or any of your colleagues may experience, which can include these:

Common Signs of Stress and Burnout

  • Emotional exhaustion

  • Depersonalization / cynicism

  • Reduced personal accomplishment

According to Dr. Holowaychuk, veterinary team members tend to most often experience emotional exhaustion and cynicism. Such high levels of exposure to stress can also contribute to compassion fatigue. By becoming emotionally overextended from helping others, you may begin to experience indifference or impersonal behaviors toward patients, clients, or team members. You don’t have to experience all symptoms to be in a ‘burnout phase’ — even dealing with one is consistent with burnout. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

“We’re all human, we are all flawed. None of us are perfect — we all make mistakes, we all struggle. You are not alone.” – Dr. Marie Holowaychuk

Strategies for Managing Stress and Preventing Burnout

What’s inevitable is that stress will always be present in medicine, so it’s important to establish expectations and focus on what can be controlled. Practicing stress management strategies produces a better chance of preventing burnout. During the webinar with Dr. Holowaychuk, she provided these tips:

1.Recognize the causes and symptoms

Pay attention to both the workplace and lifestyle factors that may be contributing to stress in the office, and stress you take home with you.

2. Prioritize Your Sleep

The restorative benefits of sleep are critical to maintaining physical and mental health, so don’t neglect it.

3. Maintain healthy habits

“Habit stacking” is a great way to build a sustainable, healthier routine. By attaching a new habit to an existing healthy habit — such as practicing gratitude while you brush your teeth — you can more effectively make it stick.

4. Practice mindfulness

A highly researched and proven way to reduce stress, practicing mindfulness through yoga, meditation, or body scanning teaches us to tune into our senses and forces us to be more present.

5. Set healthy boundaries

Unhealthy boundaries can turn into bad habits if we’re not careful. If you’re regularly working through breaks or not taking days off, it’s time to set new boundaries that protect your time, privacy, and wellbeing.

6. Know when and how to say ‘no’

Saying ‘no’ can be a healthy boundary. Even if you struggle with this one, there are ways to frame your decline with phrasing such as, “It’s hard for me to turn that down, but I’m going to have to say ‘no’ this time.”

7. Take time for self care

We can’t care for others if we don’t take care of ourselves. An ideal way to approach this is holistically, considering all emotional, social, financial, occupational, physical, environmental, spiritual, and intellectual facets of your overall wellness.

8. Separate your work and home life

Help signify to your mind and body when your work day has concluded by adding personal rituals to your routine that indicate the end of your shift. For example, clean up your desk just before you head out, or make your rounds saying goodbye to your colleagues, letting them know you’re leaving your work at work.

9. Stop aiming for perfection

Let go of perfection, it’s not going to happen. Maladaptive perfectionism is the setting of unrealistic goals that can burn you out. Instead, aim for ‘good enough’ and avoid comparisons to others.

10. Show yourself compassion

Vets spend so much of their day showing compassion for others, it’s important to also direct that compassion inward. Compassion has the ability to weaken an unhealthy relationship with perfectionism and can drive down the likelihood of stress or anxiety.

Your Vet Software Can Help Reduce Workplace Stress

When evaluating the stress management steps you can take to prevent or dissolve burnout, start from inside the workplace. The resources available and systems implemented in a veterinary office can have short-term and long-term impacts operationally. Your vet software, specifically, plays a critical role in your overall veterinary practice management. Lean on a vet software provider that can deliver what you need to streamline the operations of your practice and minimize stress.

With the right provider at your side, your vet software can become your single-source solution to help you manage every aspect of your practice, empowering you to:

  • Easily manage your team’s appointments with scheduling tools and automated reminders

  • Simplify daily operations with task management tools, invoice and billing features

  • Stay organized with record keeping and inventory management

  • Increase productivity and automate workflows with the support of best-in-class integrations

DaySmart Vet is an all-in-one, cloud-based vet practice management software that helps vet professionals streamline everything in their practice so they can focus on bigger things:

  • Achieving better work-life balance

  • Improving efficiency

  • Increasing productivity

  • Growing a practice

  • Saving time

  • Focusing on patients

  • Building better relationships

  • Improving patient care

Ultimately, if you find a vet software that can help you easily take care of the foundational responsibilities of running a vet practice, you can reduce stress, accomplish more, and have time to take care of yourself. Book a free demo and discover if DaySmart Vet is right for your practice.

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The post A Guide to Managing Stress in Veterinary Medicine and How Your Vet Software Can Help appeared first on DaySmart Vet.
