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5 Ways to Kick-Start Your Salon Social Media Strategy

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If social media is not a part of your salon’s marketing plan, then it should be. If salon social media already is a part of your marketing plan – great!

Read on to learn 5 ways to improve your salon social media efforts.

  1. Be consistent – Figure out a posting schedule that works for your salon and fits into your available time. A good place to start is by scheduling two unique posts per social media platform every week. Once you are able to keep this schedule for a few weeks, try increasing the number of posts per week until you find the right balance.
  1. Find your niche – This is especially important for smaller salons. By finding a niche, you can outshine salons and spas with bigger marketing budgets and dedicated marketing staff. For example, if you love Pinterest, stick to sharing photos of your latest haircuts and colors. You’ll soon develop a dedicated following of customers and fans.
  1. Pick two social media platforms – This advice builds on our last tip. By limiting your social media efforts to two platforms, you can effectively spend your time building your salon’s niche and getting a fan base. Once you build up your salon’s presence on your first two social media networks and you’re ready to expand, look for social media networks where you can reuse current from your two primary platforms. Just because you expand your social media presence, that doesn’t mean you need to expand your workload.
  1. Follow the 80/20 rule – One area of social media small business owners commonly struggle with is how often they should post sales content. A good rule to follow is to make 80% of your posts fun and informative content you would enjoy if you were a customer. 20% should be content created to drive sales. Remember, just because the content doesn’t include a sales pitch in it, that doesn’t mean it’s a waste of time. Customers will see quality posts and start to view your salon as a local industry leader.
  1. Mix it up – Social media should be fun. Don’t worry about always posting salon related content. Social media, in its most basic form, is a conversation. No one likes to talk with someone who only talks about business. Share content that makes you laugh, but keep it tasteful and use common sense.

Social media is a reflection of you and your salon, so share your passions with the world and watch your business grow just by doing what you love.

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