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Quotes to Inspire: The Best Hair Quotes for Hairdressers

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Quotes About Hair

Everyone wants great hair. The statistics prove it.

For instance, there are a million hair salons currently operating around the US. Those salons employ 1.4 million people and generate $44 billion of revenue each year. Those are impressive numbers!

That’s a lot of hair being cut, dried, styled, and colored on the daily! Hairdressers, stylists, and barbers are invaluable. They help people feel good about themselves. After all, look fabulous, feel fabulous! You can’t put a price on that.

Celebs, stylists, and famous faces around the world agree. Want to hear what they have to say?

Hair is life. Check out these quotes about hair that prove it.

1. “I think that the most important thing a woman can have- next to talent, of course- is her hairdresser.” – Joan Crawford

Trust Joan to say it best.

That’s high praise from an American icon. Hairdressers, listen closely. You’re important! It doesn’t get said enough, but everyone knows it to be true. Your talent isn’t in hair, it’s in making people feel beautiful.

And that’s priceless. Learn more about Joan Crawford here.

quotes about hair

2. “A good stylist is cheaper than a good therapist.” – Anonymous

We don’t know who said this. But we wholeheartedly agree.

Got the weight of the world on your shoulders? Have an issue you don’t know who to tell? Want to bitch, moan, and share the latest gossip? Your local hair salon is the place to go.

There’s something about a salon that makes it easy to open up. You share what’s on your mind, and get your hair done in the process.

4. “Hairdressers are a wonderful breed. You work one on one with another human being, and the object is to make them feel so much better, and to look at themselves with a twinkle in their eye.” – Vidal Sassoon

Is there any more to add?

Vidal sums it up perfectly. The person that walks out of a salon isn’t the same as the one who entered. Confidence grows, and positivity reigns. Life shines when your hair’s looking fine.

quotes about hair

3. “It doesn’t matter if your life is perfect as long as your hair color is.” – Stacy Snapp Killian

Say it, Stacy. This girl speaks the truth!

Hair first, life second. You may have problems falling out of your ears. Getting your hair done is a meditation and comfort. It’s a way of regaining control.

6. “Life is more beautiful when you meet the right hairdresser.” – Peter Coppola

We hope all you hairdressers are getting a serious ego boost from these quotes.

Coppola couldn’t have said it any better. Finding the right hairdresser is a daunting task. It’s hard to place your hair into the hands of a stranger. You’ll struggle to find someone without a hairdresser horror story.

Find a good one, and life becomes that bit better.

5. “A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.” – Coco Chanel

More truth, straight from the mouth of Coco.

The message echoes that of Sassoon in the quote before. A haircut tickles the soul and lightens the spirit. A new hairstyle is a new you.

quotes about hair

7. “So you don’t want to change the color and you don’t want to go shorter and you don’t want extensions but you’re ready for a whole new look… um okay.” – Anonymous

Surely all hairdressers can relate to this.

We don’t know who said it. But it’s an amusing take on the daily struggle of working in a salon. Some people just don’t know what they want!

8. “For me, the working of hair is architecture with a human element.” – Vidal Sassoon

Sassoon’s at it again.

We included this one to re-emphasize the skilfulness and talent of hairdressers. This job isn’t easy and it should never be undervalued. Sassoon’s poetic description just about does it justice!

It takes courage to willingly take control of something so important to someone, and then to cut away at it with scissors.

quotes about hair

9. “Life is short. You might as well live it with really great hair.” (Anonymous)

Here’s another quote from an unknown source.

Thankfully, the value’s in the sentiment. The same themes keep coming up, right? It must be true: life really is better when you have great hair! Make the most of your time in this world. Go get your hair done. You’ll look fantastic and feel fabulous!

10. “People will stare. Make it worth their while.” – Harry Winston

There will be times in life when you’ll be center stage. You’ll feel scrutinized, and under the microscope.

Hairdressers help you own it. With their special skills, they can help you be yourself, feel free, and walk confidently through life. That’s a gift.

quotes about hair

11. “The best advice I can give to young stylists is marry bald, so you have one less free haircut to do on your day off.” (Anonymous)

A funny one to finish.

But one that I’m sure all hairdressers can relate to. Everyone wants to be friends with a hairdresser. Primarily because they’re awesome. Secondly, so they can get free haircuts. It makes sense.

But at the end of a long day, offering freebies to friends and family is never fun. The only logical solution? Befriend people who have no hair.

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Quotes About Hair Wrap Up

There you have it: 11 quotes about hair that all hairdressers will love!

Everyone who gets their hair done on the regular knows the power of a great hairdresser. The experience goes beyond the function of getting a trim or blow dry. Looking your best has a direct impact on how you walk through the world.

Stylists hold a key to how you feel. That’s their true virtue.

Hopefully, these quotes about hair have brought a smile to the lips of all hairdressers out there.

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