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If You Aren’t Already Doing Regular Scalp Treatments, Here’s Why You Should!

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You exfoliate and treat your skin on a normal basis, don’t you? Why wouldn’t you do the same for your scalp? It counts as skin and taking care of it is necessary for your overall scalp health.

Treatments will help you fight off dandruff and thinning hair. You can buy products that can do the trick but a lot of salons are actually making scalp treatments a regular part of the hair menu.

Have we got you considering it? Keep reading to find out more about what these scalp treatments are and how you could benefit from making it apart of your hair appointment.

What Is a Scalp Treatment and What Is Used?

The nature of your scalp treatment will all depend on your needs. If you have a dry scalp, for example, the hairdresser will focus on using products that have more of a conditioner base to them.

If you’re trying to fight off oil or acne then your scalp treatment will consist of more cleansing products than anything. Before you decide to do this keep in mind that there are dangers in it if you have certain conditions.

If you have psoriasis, eczema, an open cut, infections, or sores you should avoid having a scalp treatment done.

1. Regulates Your Secretion of Oil

Your oil levels are sort of like the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. If you have too much oil on your scalp you’ll have dandruff. If you have too little oil then you’ll still experience flaking.

Your secretion of oil needs to be just right in order to have a healthy scalp. Having a scalp treatment done will help regulate your scalp’s secretion of oil and leave your hair silky smooth. No more flakes.

scalp health

2. It Gets Rid of Problem Dandruff

Too much oil on your scalp isn’t the only thing that will result in problem dandruff. Many factors can cause a breakout. You could be having a stressful month or your scalp is having a reaction to dust.

Maybe you’ve just been lacking in the hair maintenance department. Whatever the problem is, scalp treatments contain nutrients that your scalp needs to fight the issue. It’s also relaxing so if your dandruff is being caused by stress, then the treatment will take care of it.

3. Slows Scalp Health Aging

As you age your scalp ages with you. Over time, you’ll become more vulnerable to hair loss and greying. If you keep your scalp stimulated though, you can slow the process.

Scalp treatments prompt blood circulation through your entire scalp which will revitalize it and keep it young. It also strengthens your hair follicles so they will stay in place.

4. Stops Your Hair from Thinning

On top of hair loss and greying when you get old, your hair may just become thin. This is usually caused by some sort of health condition. The good news is that the cause is simple.

It always starts at the root of your hair. Having regular scalp treatments can help strengthen your roots. This will stop your hair from becoming brittle and falling out.

scalp health

5. Sweeps Away Dead Skin

Flakes on your scalp isn’t dandruff per se. You could have a build-up of dead skin. Like the skin on your face, you’ll need to do a little exfoliating to get rid of the problem.

If this is the case, during your scalp treatment, you may see lots of this dead skin coming off. It’s nothing to be alarmed about.

It means that you’re giving your scalp the pick-me-up that it needs. You’ll be left feeling refreshed.

6. It’s Relaxing

Have you ever sat back and had someone massage your scalp. It’s an amazing feeling. Better than getting a massage on most any other part of your body actually.

The nerves in your scalp are super sensitive so a good massage will cause your brain to let out tons of feel-good hormones. Hormones such as dopamine increase your mood and ease stress.

When you’re able to relax, common hair and scalp issues that result from stress will be a thing of the past. So, sit back and treat yourself.

scalp health

7. It Stops Hair Products from Gathering for Better Scalp Health

You sleep through your alarm and don’t give yourself enough time to take a shower in the morning, so, what do you do? You pick up a bottle of dry shampoo to make your hair look at least a little less greasy. We’re all guilty of it.

The problem is that after a few uses this dry shampoo will build upon your scalp and cause your hair to look dull. Even when you do shampoo your hair you won’t be able to get all of the product build-ups off to brighten it up again. You need something a little stronger.

Exfoliating your scalp is this something stronger. Going in for a scalp treatment can get way more product off than five minutes of shampooing in the shower can.

Scalp Treatments Are the Best Thing for Proper Scalp Health

If you’re looking to breathe new life to your hair, try going in for a scalp treatment. They can increase your scalp health overall which will decrease your chances of thinning, gray hair when you’re older. It can also fight off problem dandruff.

While you can do one of these treatments at home, salons are now offering it and there is just something more magical about having someone else massage your scalp. Book your appointment today.

As you can imagine, if you offer this service at your salon you’re going to book a lot of appointments. You’ll need software that can keep up. Request info about our services for a better functioning salon.

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